Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Drive by Houses, Learn Neighborhoods

Hi, everyone!

It's been a while since I've posted on here. Truth is that I was getting stumped. I was getting stumped about what to write. More importantly, I was getting stumped about what to DO.

I don't know the truly right answer, but I did something that I should have done a LONG time ago as a beginning investor. I looked up some houses on Yahoo Real Estate (you can use other sources, too), and I drove by the houses.

This forced me to take action. I needed something to get "my ball" moving again.

This forced me to look at neighborhoods.

Hopefully, I can look at some of these houses with a realtor sometime soon. However, even if that doesn't materialize, I started thinking of real estate not only as an isolated property but as being part of a neighborhood--part of the whole package.

This takes some time. Well, the research takes very little time, but driving to find the places does. I bet it will take less time as I get to know my surrounding neighborhoods better.

So you beginning investors...if you aren't already, go check the web for places to visit.

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