Saturday, September 19, 2009

Herbert Strather: The Master Real Estate Investor

Honestly, since I've been studying money making methods, including real estate, I've been fortunate enough to meet many different investors. Some of them are truly great.

You might notice my title of this post. I don't know whether Herb Strather is the best, but I know he's really good. Why am I writing about him?

Well, I saw him talk this past week, but truthfully, I see a lot of presentations. So that, alone, isn't it. Let me tell you. While he happens to capture me with his lambasting passion--you really can't help but notice it--what separates him from many others is that he removes YOUR excuses.

You see, Herb spent his childhood living in one of Detroit's "hoods." (For those of you who really know the City of Detroit, he was near Mack and Mt. Elliot.) He and his family had no money, but Herb used this to his advantage. This gave him a burning desire to find a way to escape life's prison.

Before graduating high school, he started working in a local factory. So he was making a little bit of money, but he wasn’t getting rich. However, he had the foresight to build his relationships with the bankers waiting on him. When he graduated, he borrowed the money to buy his first house and found a way to put cash in his pocket. That’s right! He got property AND cash! He had a debt to repay, but he used that cash to buy another property. Now many years later, he completed more than two billion (yes, billion) dollars in deals.

So if a poor, underprivileged black kid from inner-city Detroit can do it, what is most of the rest of our excuses?

Herb removes most, if not every, excuse not to invest successfully in real estate. Plus, he makes himself available so often at such reasonable prices. I saw him for FREE the other night. I bought a paperback and an e-book from him. Compare the price of those things to what many others charge you. (Remember: Herb did not require that we buy the book.) He is a pretty amazing resource. He has a passion for rebuilding Detroit’s dilapidated neighborhoods, and he is willing to help anyone, especially those that help revive the city. It’s an absolute shame that more people don’t utilize him.

If you get an opportunity to see Herb Strather, I suggest you run—don’t walk—to see him. In the meanwhile, check out his website:


Herbert Strather said...

Thanks for the glowing review Chris!

Chris said...

You're welcome, but it's not anything undeserved. Sorry that I'm just now noticing this. I'm new to blogging, and I didn't know how comments worked. I never even noticed it.